
the silence is getting to me.

at 9.35pm, i broke down and cried for 1 minute, before getting a call from darren, saying he’s outside my house now. tsk. can’t even cry properly.

but my sis might be coming over to keep me company. her poor baby sis.

bad day

i should have known. boys = trouble. boys = dumb asses. after sending off the last of the housemates yesterday, a few friends of ours came by for dinner and movie night. i invited them to stay over coz i was lazy to send them back, and i figured that they can sleep in my room while i take the housemates’ room. you know what? BAD MOVE.

i forgot that boys can be so stupid, and true enough, the house alarm went off this morning. it was so freaking loud (it went way above its usual alarm noise level, indicating that the “intruder has been in the house for more than 5 minutes”). and the “intruder” didn’t even come up to my room and ask me “hey, i heard an alarm sound, is it coming from our house?” or “i think i set off the alarm, what’s the password?”. no. instead, he waited till the alarm went way loud and the alarm woke the house up and i RACED downstairs to switch it off.

obviously i was pissed coz how fucking stupid can one be?! he came up with all sorts of excuses, only to make me more pissed than ever and confirmed that he is stupid.

excuse #1: i didn’t know what it was. i thought it was coming from the neighbours (er…. it’s quite loud to begin with, and it’s pretty obvious that it’s coming from WITHIN)
excuse #2: i couldn’t find the button to switch it off, so i didn’t do anything
excuse #3: (after i said he could have come up to my room and asked me abt the password) it’s not very nice for a guy to just enter a girl’s room while she’s sleeping. (well, haven’t you heard about this action called knocking?!!!!)
excuse #4: i figured that if the alarm had gone on for a period of time, you’d have heard it and come down to switch it off anyway.

tell me, is he a moron, or a moron?! i seriously detest people who are stupid, have low-no tolerance for stupidity.

i don’t even want those people in my house anymore. i’d rather spend my free time alone, watching dvds, playing games, doing the housework or just driving down to visit family. pfffft!