Old pictures

Was looking through the media folder of the blog and saw some 100+ photos that I uploaded, but never got around to posting them. The picture quality also sucks, which shows how lousy camera phones used to be in 2007. Haha.

I think these were some of my cooking and bakes while in Australia.

lemon sauce fish!

triple choc chip muffins

triple choc chip muffins

peanut butter cupcakes

peanut butter cupcakes

creamy mushroom soup

creamy mushroom soup

I was obsessed with baking, and so bought the "500 cupcakes" recipe book

I was obsessed with baking, and so bought the “500 cupcakes” recipe book

breaded prawns

breaded prawns with thousand island sauce



Who’s still in Perth?

I really miss Perth I guess. I even dreamt about me going back to visit with some uni friends. That was what we discussed when we met up on 31 Dec 2009, but I’m not sure if the trip would really take place as we are all quite busy with work.

I dreamt about me going shopping with E’An and the whole bunch of us going on a roadtrip. I also dreamt of me meeting up with Neer and the housemates.

Perhaps I really need a break soon.

Don’t you wish for days like back then?

I just came back from a supposed-birthday dinner for my housemate and man, the entertainment was bad. Kenny always chooses shit for entertainment *cue The History Boys movie*

We talked and laughed and caught up with one another. We came to a conclusion: we all miss Perth and would definitely go back if we had the chance to. Which made me think, what is holding us back? I mean, we’re young and single. We should be able to drop everything and just go, if we want to. Perhaps dropping everything and leaving for good isn’t possible just yet. How about planning a trip back together? Maybe that’s possible.

Actually, I was reminiscing before I left the house earlier. Was reading E’An’s blog (that has long been abandoned since 2007) and also found the note she left me, wishing me good luck for my papers when I was doing my final sem. I still have that post-it. Gosh, those were some good memories.

Hope you had a great birthday, E’An. 🙂

One of my Indian colleagues brought some burfee for me today. I was surprised and pleased cos I really like burfee! As I ate a piece, I was brought back to the time where Neer bought some sweets for us to celebrate Diwali. (I wonder how is he now… I haven’t contacted him since I came back)

It seems funny that I never had craving for Indian sweets the whole time I’m in Singapore, it’s only when I’m in Perth then I would start looking for burfee. I did just so during my last trip in March. I had chocolate, pistachio and rosewater (I think) burfee then, and my nephews loved the chocolate one!

Perth Trip Updates 2

This entry is focusing solely on the FOODDDDD…

We attempted to make Japanese cheesecake during the week I was there, and I *think* I might have perfected the recipe!

I’ve always been interested to know how hospital food look and taste like… ok… I don’t think I want to taste it now…

Breakfast with Darren at Globe Cafe, Mt Lawley. As usual, it was fantastic: creamy scrambled eggs with fluffy toast.


Lunch with him was Sumo Salad at a shopping centre near home. The salad was so gooooood! Also had my favourite Boost juice (there’s actually a Boost juice in SG, VivoCity, but there’s hardly anyone there…) – actually that was my 2nd Boost in a day… my favourite 2&5 veggie fruit juice!


When Ann came back from the hospital, she made us adults baked rice. I have to say, it was de-li-cious!

Obviously, I had a lot more other food than what I’ve posted but no pictures. Jo did a roast and it was really good! One of the mums of Jarrod’s friends at school made us some lovely cupcakes (thanks so much!), while another friend of @nn made a lovely pasta bake. We also had my favourite Ciao Italia (though it wasn’t that nice anymore cos we were late in picking up the takeout, and we had a 30min drive before we reached home to enjoy the food). Dim Sum at a new Chinese restaurant – but that was forgettable. And lots of home cooked food!

Mondo Nougat

The Golden Boronia brand is probably the most well-known brand, but I steer towards Mondo Nougat. It’s not that well-known probably due to it’s lack of distribution, but I think it’s better than GB.

It has my all-time favourite, Chocolate Soft, and lots  more soft flavours. I don’t like the crunchy type due to my braces. Also, they use honey to sweeten their products, giving them a slightly fragrant floral smell, unlike the other brands that use white sugar.

Perth Trip Updates 1

Shoot! I thought of editing and updating my post when somehow, I managed to delete half of what I have originally posted. Oh well… here we go again!

I bought a new Braun Buffel wallet & a pair of Polo Ralph Lauren sunglasses at the airport even before we boarded the plane. I can’t imagine what else I’d buy when I’m officially on holiday! Wallet was ~S$130 while sunnies were ~S$290. Both were duty-free, so that’s probably my only consolation for the amount I’ve spent pre-holiday. *Pardon the cutesy bolster background – it belongs to my boyfriend, so I don’t care what you say. Hmph!


Our flight was a night one (taking off at 7pm, arriving at 2am) and I was still working that day, so I thought I would be snoring away on the flight. But the food (oh, I always look forward to flight meals, for some weird reason) and the entertainment kept me awake. Food was bad – one of the rare inedible SQ meals, but entertainment… boy oh boy… how could I ever resist Edward Cullen? Yup, my fourth time watching Twilight and still as good!


Let me introduce both my boyfriends to you…


Though I was in Perth for a good 2 years, I’ve never parked illegally SG-style (ie, anywhere, on the kerb, walkway etc). But Jo… apparently has adapted very well!


A quick peek at the boy’s school… looks fun!


We also visited Garden City, my ‘favourite-test’ shopping place in Perth because they have almost all the shops I like under one roof! Plus FREE parking! I didn’t buy much though cos I still have lots to bring back from the Chanders’.


The main reason why we went over:

While we were there, we also took a look at the new place. Backyard’s huge! Please grow some veggies when the place is completed!


I spent a good part of Saturday hanging out with Darren. Met up really early, like 845am! Somehow, mornings aren’t that dreadful in Perth, even when I was there as a student. Went back to uni to look at the new Business building and also to East Perth just to look at the beautiful architecture. There’s something about the buildings there that I could never get enough of!


For most part of the holiday, I was either playing with the boys, or watching TV – think Ben10, Bakugan, Bones. Good shows, good shows. I was hooked onto Ben10!!!

We also rented a car while we were there to help us get around during the day. Good thing we did, because on the day we wanted to rent a car, we missed the only bus to bring us to the train station and had to walk 30mins (the next bus comes in an hour’s time!). The train ticket was A$5.10, expensive but that’s probably the usual pricing. Rented a car from M2000 cos Bayswater were out of cars. Can you believe that?! Got a Nissan tiida so that’s something new because we always get Toyota Corollas from Bayswater and that gets a little boring after some time.

Again, look at how cute they are!!!

short updates from Perth

2nd day here and it’s slightly more relaxed now. yesterday was a whirl cos we were scuttling between the boys’ schools, hospital and home. i’ve got tons to update – my shopping trip started early at the airport!- and so many pictures taken but those will have to come later cos i don’t want to screw up @nn’s internet connection.

unlike singapore, there are no unlimited (download) plans here. instead, you’ll enjoy high speed for a certain amount of GB downloads (depending on your plan). if you exceed the ‘given’ data amount, your speed will be reduced till the next billing cycle. ok, i’m bad at describing, but you get the drift, don’t you?

i’m having a great time with the boys here (let’s not forget their parents too!). they are extremely cute and funny. lots of antics and tricks up their tiny sleeves. the new baby’s absolutely a girly girl, no doubts about that cos she’s dainty and she sleeps girly too. let’s hope her brothers don’t influence her with their roughness when she gets older.

the weather’s a little bonkers, but not so much like melbourne *oops*.

aite, gotta go now!

chocolates from who?

i received a bag of choc-dipped apricots from someone earlier this month. didn’t think much of it, till i had to look into my scanned pictures folder, and i came across this handwritten card given to me about a year ago by someone, along with a box of choc-dipped marshmallows.

i never knew who gave me those marshmallows, as that person hung it gently on my door handle, while i was in my room. didn’t hear anything, didn’t realise it till i opened my door to go to the toilet. and now, i’m even more confused. is it that same someone?