I just can’t stop it

I reckon I’m going to need such glasses soon. Dad just subscribed to Singtel’s Mio TV and we’re not going to cancel our subscription to SCV (strong objections from me!!).

We’ve been rushing home from work for the past few weeks, just to watch the various shows on Mio (Video on Demand rocks). I think we much prefer Mio because we can watch shows anytime we want, not restricted by a TV schedule.

But today, we went to Vivo to get our trusty old analogue SCV set box changed to a digital one. I also changed my subscription plan to exclude Star Movies & HBO (they’re getting really boring now – nothing nice!), and instead got the Lifestyle basic group which includes Asian Food Channel. I love cooking shows!!!

TV affairs

Everytime I go to @nn’s place, I’m bound to get hooked on a new TV show. The last time was Without a Trace. Sadly, that ‘affair’ stopped when I returned to SG because WAT wasn’t that popular here and I couldn’t find the latest season on TV or get the latest DVD release.


This time, it is Bones (I know, the show has been out for AGES) & Lie to Me. I was still watching Bones DVD Season 3 minutes before I left for the airport. I was THAT hooked. So, needless to say, I was searching for it at the rentals. Luckily, the shop nearby had Season 1 & 2, so I rented the first season. The rental period was much longer than that in Australia (a usual 3-5 days, the most a week). Over here, the rental period for the box set is 12 days!! But of course, I won’t take that long to finish watching the 6 discs.


I don’t think Lie to Me is available here but probably online streaming or Amazon will have something.


OT, but my braces treatment could be completed by end of the year or probably early next. EXCITING!